Sunday, January 31, 2010

Recap of Summer 2009

So I've realized that I didn't post very many pictures from last year's field work. Here are some Randoms from around the Utikuma Region Study Area (URSA for short) in Northern Alberta.

Main Met Tower (Site 666) 2 years post-harvest

Bowen Ratio System located on Pond 40 (Experimental Pond)

Soil Carbon and Water Flux measured using Chamber System and Infrared Gas Analyzer (we call those IRGA's for short)
Me in my June Field garb (yes fleece sweater, but it keeps mosquitoes out!!)

Plenty of butterflies, everywhere!

I think this is a Boreal wood frog?

Labrador Tea


My photographs aren't nearly as nice as my undergraduate research assistant, Mike, who is an excellent photographer, with one of those fancy cameras ;) Here is the link to his flickr page and click on the link for Alberta 2009.

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