Monday, September 5, 2011

Labour Day weekend at YYC

Oh labour day weekend.  It's that last weekend of camping you can fit into your summer before fall sets in.  It's that last little hope that summer isn't quite gone....  Well for me, I got to miss out on that weekend because I'm working.  Yay for me :(

There are some nice perks about working this weekend though...  Like today, we saw a couple of Swainson's Hawks along one of the haul roads.  

And I though I'd share a couple of pictures of the action going on here...  I used to feel terrified of walking around these machines... but now it feels normal.  As for my job, I just drive around all day making sure that all environmental protocols are followed and resolve any situations that may occur.

It's not a bad job for the weekend, but I can't wait to get back to writing my reports on results that I found personally... It's far more gratifying when you see reports going off to clients.  It's a finished product.  All I need now is a finished master's... 

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